Sometimes I forget God does not show favoritism.

does god show favoritism

It is difficult to fathom God’s great love. 

The idea of God’s unconditional love comforts us when we are at our wit’s end of reasoning.

However, the opposite side of religion’s coin bets on us earning God’s ruthless favor. 

I think we all want to be someone’s favorite, the apple of another’s eye.

We want to be convinced there’s nothing we can do to separate ourselves from a love that transcends our human proclivities to fight eye for eye and tooth for tooth.   

But, at the heart of our plea for justice, is the belief that God will treat us like we’re an only child.

Does God show favoritism?

But actually, we are one of many children who can usually only grasp a limited love that depends on our compliance, performance, or uniqueness. 

As a mother of 5 biological children, 3 adopted – each of my children wants to know “Am I your favorite?” 

Some brazenly try to get a direct answer.  Others sit shyly when I give hugs to a sibling – while I notice their eyes wondering if my love is enough to go around.

Is God’s favor enough?

Does an infinite God possess an infinite love that’s infinitely enough? 

Is it possible that we’re all God’s favorite? 

This Christmas, I’m reminded – how surely, God’s love is so much more than a mother’s love. 

According to scriptures, we should not show favoritism and even God is no respecter of persons. This means God doesn’t choose favorites.

James 2:1
My brothers, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, don’t show favoritism.

Romans 2:11
For there is no respecter of persons with God.

Parents see their children through the lens of love

And here’s what I can say of my children. 

From a mother’s perspective, all of my children are amazing in their own unique way. 

I love each of them, unconditionally, and my “communion” with them is shaped by their individual traits.

They are a reflection of me.  I see myself in them and want the best for them.  It breaks my heart when they are sad.  I rejoice when they rejoice.  When they are in danger, I rush to rescue them.  I am proud of them.

Despite this love, my mother’s love, I’m still aware of my limits – my impatience, my impaired judgement, my mortality. 

It is difficult for a parent not to gravitate more to a certain child’s personality.

We each have unique favor with God

In the verses, 1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22, God calls David a “Man after his own heart.” Does this mean God favored David?

On the surface it seemed God favored Abraham by giving him the promise of a child — even in his old age.

But if you look at each story deeper, you’ll see that God seems to have a unique relationship with each of his children.

In fact, God promised Hagar, the mother of a child born outside of Abraham’s marriage, that she would “have many descendants through a son, Ishmael.”

My children can’t rely on my inexhaustible stores of love.  It would be rubbish for me to teach them I’ll always be here for them no matter what.  It would be futile for me to convince them I don’t have a favorite child.

God’s love is perfect

This unconditional love they long for, this favoritism we all seek is contained in the mystery of God’s love—a love that can never be defined outside of the acknowledgement that we are all equally God’s beloved children. 

God’s love for me doesn’t diminish the totality of a Divine Love for humanity that surpasses our comprehension. believes you have favor with God, not as God’s favorite child, but as a unique child of God.

Remember, you can feel love. Anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

does god show favoritism

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