christmas acrostic poem
Christmas Acrostic Worksheet

Some of us have a love/hate relationship with Christmas. Now-a-days Christmas gets complicated. We overthink gifts for our relatives. We look at Christmas Past with regret. Maybe Christmas reminds us just how lonely and unloved we feel. But what about a time when Christmas was simple and fun? Remember in grade school when your teacher gave you the assignment to create a Christmas acrostic poem?

You’d sit there pencil in hand, imagining words to describe the wonder of the holiday. We felt giddy with satisfaction when a fun word would pop into our mind.

Sadly, as adults, we often grow up and look at our life as a melodramatic tragedy.

It is very difficult for us to recall that feeling of innocence we had as a child when simplicity lit up our eyes.

Read the simple Christmas acrostic below and try to visualize a scene in your mind for each word. Then, think about words you associate with Christmas.

Even if your Christmas memories are painful, try this exercise as a way to put your pain on paper. Sometimes, when we bury our pain, we bury our joy along with it.

Christmas Acrostic Poem

Christmas acrostic
Christmas acrostic poem

A story of love

In our humble opinion, there’s nothing as beautiful as love. Christmas is often associated with romance, and what can feel like unrealistic relationship expectations. But true love cannot be bothered by frivolous distractions of a passing season. Love does not melt like snow, or dry up like poinsettias. It’s evergreen. Love doesn’t burn out like a Christmas bulb. It’s the star that never stops shining. Sometimes, clouds hide the view, but love always remains.

We would not speak of this love, had we never come to know its beauty. Love transcends holiday cheer or fear.

Never give up on Christmas.

Simply love. believes love lights up Christmas.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

acrostic poem

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