If you want to know which personality type most likely describes you, take the free short version test here.

Contact me if you’d like to know more about how you can take responsibility for your interaction with other personality types!

ALP Personality Type Framework

Curious about your personality type or the personality type of someone else?

There are many personality tests out there. But the ALP changed my life dramatically. It identified toxic relationship patterns that I’d developed over the years. In short, the ALP personality framework explains why we turn our positive personality traits into negative behaviors.

This free short-version personality type test sheds light on leadership behaviors. However, I’ve used the Actualized Leadership Profile to understand and improve all my relationships, including my romantic relationships.

I love this personality type test because it’s simple. The test categorizes personality types into 3 different styles: Affirmer, Asserter, or Achiever.

The theme of this personality framework is “facing our dark side.” Instead of running away from our deepest fears, we should use our dark side as a clue to achieving our greatest potential.

personality type
Face your Darkness – Image Copyright Actualized Leadership Profile

Decades of field research by Dr. Will Sparks within the realm of leadership development is the foundation for the ALP, as an extension of Carl Jung’s Shadow Psychology.

Why do people want to know their personality type?

You’re here out of curiosity about your personality type.

We all want to live a happier life.

Therefore, we want to know why we do what we do. We also want to know why other people treat us a certain way.

Let’s face it. Our quality of life is only as good as our relationship with ourselves and others.

So, our guess is that you want to know your personality type as a means to improve yourself, thereby improving your relationship with others.

You’ve come to the right place.

In the next few paragraphs, we’ll explain three Personality Types. We’ll include images that depict how each personality style can have a dark side.

If you want to know which personality type most likely describes you, take the free short version test here.

Understanding personality dynamics of the Affirmer, Achiever, and Asserter styles can help you more effectively manage relationships with colleagues, family, friends, and romantic partners.

What is a Personality Shadow?

First, let’s explain what it means to face our shadow, or as some would say, explore our dark side.

Our shadow is the flip side of a personality coin.

It’s how our personality plays out negatively, especially when we’re under a lot of stress.

In order to make the most of our positive personality traits, we must also accept the damage we do to ourselves and others when we operate in denial about our negative personality traits.

Which personality type below can you identify with the most?

3 Personality Types

personality type test
Copyright ALP Framework

Achiever Personality Type

The Achiever personality type is motivated by achievement. Your accomplishments define you. At your best, you know how to use your attention-to- detail for reaching high goals. You stay focused on the finish line and efficiently work according to a well thought out plan.

However, when under stress, your efficiency turns into rigidity. Your thoroughness borderlines on obsessiveness. You become critical of others who don’t share your same focus. Family and friends hide from you when you pull out your to-do list. Co-workers stop sharing their creativity with you because you immediately criticize the impracticality of their ideas.

Asserter Personality Type

asserter personality type
Copyright ALP Framework

Asserters, at their best are confident leaders who have a clear vision of their direction and where they’re leading others. Asserters are motivated by power. As an asserter, you don’t shy away from tough decisions if it means winning. You make swift decisions with confidence. This can lead to astounding success.

Unfortunately, Asserters can borderline on the personality traits we more often recognize as the least favorable: Arrogant, impatient, controlling, blunt, and skeptical. Yes, we need asserters to move the vision forward, whether in the family or the boardroom. But, if asserters are not careful, their followers will flee or rise up in protest against them.

Affirmer Personality Type

affirmer personality type
Copyright ALP Framework

Affirmers thrive on affiliation. Meaning, their relationships are of utmost importance. As an affirmer, you are friendly, empathetic, loyal, generous and helpful. Affirmers hold families together through difficult times. Affirmers may feel at their best when they “take one for the team.”

However, being an affirmer is not all sunshine and rainbows. At their worst, affirmers start setting passive-aggressive traps for loved ones because they suppress their desires in order to appease others. They are over-accommodating, conflict-avoidant, and indecisive. Others may view this “subservient” behavior as convenient for a while. But ultimately, co-dependency and jealousy are the toxic outcomes.

Personality Types – Conclusion

In summary, LoveLifeLinks.com believes the ALP framework is an excellent tool to gain greater self-awareness as a means to improve your relationships. Getting to know yourself is the perfect way to confidently open your heart to love. You’ll be amazed at the opportunity self-awareness affords when we’re willing to look fully in the mirror.

For more information about the Actualized Leadership Profile, click here.

LoveLifeLinks.com believes you’ll experience greater love when you accept the full breadth of your personality.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

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