how to feel beautiful again
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

So, you’re here because you want to learn how to feel beautiful again. First, it’s important to know WHY you’re experiencing those ugly feelings on the inside. All you know is, your confidence has taken a big hit and you’re just ready to feel better about yourself!

You faintly remember a time when you’d catch a glimpse of your reflection and feel good about what you saw.

But something happened! When you look in the mirror, now all you see are your flaws.

We all have different reasons for feeling ugly inside!

Maybe you know exactly why you’re feeling less than confident (a divorce or rejection). Or perhaps you can’t point to any single event that caused your confidence to plummet. The only thing you really know is that you feel ugly and you’re so ready to feel beautiful again! You want to feel the pep in your step and walk out the door with confidence every morning.

We understand. So, let’s get started on exploring the subject of beauty.

Hopefully you’ll relate to some of these insights.

Take the time to reflect on which point resonates with you most! Then, we’ll dig down deeper in another article to discover how you can move forward in confidence again.

4 common reasons you feel less than beautiful.

I’ve always felt ugly!

The person who doesn’t remember a time when they felt beautiful is suffering silently on the inside. Often, they mask their lack of confidence as over-confidence. Perhaps you can relate!

I will never be that beautiful

You realize that by society’s standards or media’s projections, you aren’t the best-looking person on the planet. And you know it. You’re tired of feeling either overweight or too skinny. You’re sick of loathing someone else’s shape! Every time you watch Dancing with the Stars or The Bachelor, you get upset on the inside but continue to watch because you’re obsessed with everything they are, and you are not!

Perhaps you’ve been teased for most of your life about your looks. So, you’ve built a tough exterior. No one can break your protective shell. Is this you? Or perhaps you relate more to the following:

I felt beautiful in the past, but now I’ve lost my confidence.

Where did my confidence go?

Second, there’s the person who felt confident in the past but now wonders why their confidence faded. Sure, they knew they weren’t ready for the runway. But they were confident enough in their looks to easily approach a romantic interest.

You didn’t rely on others to tell you how you looked, because you were happy with yourself from an early age.

But something happened along the way.

Does this sound like you?

Maybe you were cheated on. God forbid, perhaps you were in an accident that diminished your physical appearance. Or it could be that you’ve just slowly lost your feeling of beauty after years of being a wife and mother. Truth be told, you’ve experienced A LOT of life’s smaller bumps and bruises along the way. You’ve gradually lost your sense of self and now you look in the mirror longing for a distant time in the past.

People only love me for my looks

Third, there’s the insanely beautiful girl who everyone falls for at first glance. No one gets to know her because they can’t get past her exterior, the outward beauty she possesses. Are you THAT girl?

At first, this setup worked out well for you, especially in school when you were free and didn’t care about settling down yet. But it started to get old. Even when you try to have a serious conversation with a potential romantic partner, they seem distracted by your outward beauty rather than listening to your words and heart. The problem is, even when someone shows genuine interest in you beyond your looks, you still don’t trust their motives!

Everyone tells me I’m beautiful, but I don’t believe them.

I feel ugly

Lastly, there’s the person who has a natural beauty that everyone recognizes except herself. She is self-deprecating and picks out all of her “flaws” in the mirror. Are you the person whose friends feel patronized because you don’t recognize your natural beauty? Perhaps you really, really don’t recognize your own beauty. But maybe they just don’t see the real source of your low self-esteem, and never cared to ask. Regardless, all you see in the mirror is a broken, ugly version that’s completely opposite of what everyone else sees.

Likely, you started reading this article because you or someone you love is struggling with body image.

So, we hope that you’ve identified with at least one point above.

This will serve as the foundation for you to contemplate our next article on finding your sense of beauty again! hopes you’ll begin to see and deeply believe in your beauty from the inside out.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

Read more about self-love

how to feel beautiful again
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