eternal bliss

The morning sunrise evokes a feeling of eternal bliss.

As dawn
Notes caressing
The thirsty morning
With eager anticipation
Of no hurt
No pain,
or ill-timed love.
God is with us
And was with us
And always will be
In the chant
Echoing through flowered
Hallways of His creation.
When you touched me
I felt God
And for the first time
Glimpsed eternal bliss
You were the eyes, the hands, the feet
Ushering me wholeheartedly into the presence
Of God who loves us all
Beyond the most elegant sunrise
Above the grandest galaxy
My love
Held the flower for me
And waited
Sitting quietly
Ready to return
Where we’ll be
Forever home.

Poem Background | Eternal Bliss Glimpsed

Have you ever met someone who changed your life profoundly?

This poem speaks to the power we each have within to guide someone toward the eternal bliss of God’s love. Perhaps you’ve never met someone who has given you a love that surpassed all you’d ever imagined.

Remember, you have the power to introduce someone to a surprising love that heals their heart.

Sometimes we are so sad because we feel unloved.

The first way to address this feeling of emptiness inside is to love ourselves.

It sounds horribly cliché, but it’s possible to teach our soul how to love every inch of our being.

Hopefully you’ll meet someone to help you along this journey.

But even if you start the journey alone, it’s inevitable you’ll awaken eternal enlightenment within.

This awakening will create a spring of life that provides refreshment to those parched by life’s hardships.

You are not alone. You are loved. Transcendent love awaits you. hopes you experience eternal bliss through opening your heart to infinite love.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere.  Anytime.  All the time.

eternal bliss
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