Introducing a poem about depression:

poem about depression
by Vincent van Gogh

in this well
by god-like
the systems
pull me
from the deep
wake me
from my sleep
let me live
on canvas painted
eternal will I weep
admired as masterpiece.

Poem about Depression | Weeping | Poem background:

Dealing with depression is often an internal struggle. No one sees our sadness, because our tears are a private well within. The poem, “Weeping” is an expression of angst from someone who is depressed. Their sadness stems from a feeling of being trapped between the systems of the world. Systems like religions, corporations, capitalism, and more, leave us with a feeling that it’s impossible to break free.

Feeling trapped is a major cause of depression. Poetry is a safe way to express the helplessness we feel. Often, others can’t experience our raw pain because they are dealing with their own feelings of sadness. A poem about depression is a way to gently share our fragile state of mind with someone who may be able to relate.

Admittedly, there is something beautiful at the center of mourning only possible when we’ve reached the end of our rope and “reason” is no longer an escape route. This painting by Vincent van Gogh depicts a woman who appears to be alone in her mourning. I imagine a mother or wife who feels an inner loss that no one could possibly understand. Perhaps she has lost her lover. There’s a chance she aches for her child who is in pain.

Sometimes depression freezes us in time. We are stuck still life on a canvas.

Someone else paints our destiny. believes you can use poetry to move you safely through the waters of depression.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

poetry about depression
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