You find yourself constantly replaying this thought in your mind, “I don’t feel loved.”

But I’m married.

I have a great wife and great kids.

My family loves me.

There’s no reason I shouldn’t feel loved.

Some people will tell you that when we feel unloved, we should think about how much God loves us. Others seem to truly believe that God’s love is enough. But what if you know about God’s love, you’ve accepted his grace or sovereignty, and yet still don’t feel loved.

This can make us feel even worse. We may say to ourselves, “If I was really a believer, I’d be sure God loves me. That would be enough.”

Others of us are in truly horrible relationships that make us forget what love could be. Even then, it’s difficult to simply count on some pie in the sky love that seems so distant and spiritually out of reach.

Surely, there is a more tangible love that reaches to the quick of our soul and assures us we are enough.

Certainly, there’s a love that sees us and knows us for how we want to be known and loved?

Is God’s love all we need?

Don’t fear. This article isn’t going to circle back around to the conclusion that God’s love really is all we need.

A lot of people like to talk about this God-shaped void in all of our hearts that only God can fill. I’m sure it’s based on a scripture or two, maybe even three.

So then, what do pastors do when they stand up every Sunday and preach about God’s love while they still feel unloved and inadequate? How difficult it must be to remind their congregation about God’s everlasting love when they feel God’s love is in such short supply.

What we do in the hiding behind our outward façade — that we are loving people with lots of love in our lives?

Family with lots of love

Our minds are sophisticated tools. We rarely access the deeper thoughts that could bring about change in our lives. Instead, our chants and traditions, like religious Novocaine, eventually wear off.

Kind of like a firewall meant to protect us.

Our brain builds walls that keep out the truth about how we really feel. Truth is, we feel unloved and desperately want to admit it without feeling judged. We’re tired of being scolded for our feelings.

“Isn’t everything you have enough?” you imagine they’d say.

We want to share one thought with you that hopefully will shed some light on the subject of feeling unloved:

It is one thing to feel unloved and quite another to unashamedly admit you feel unloved.

The latter will stop the hamster wheel of your mind and open the door to your heart. believes quieting your mind opens your heart to love.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

3 thoughts on “I don’t feel loved | When God’s Love isn’t Enough.”
  1. SMiLes Dear Anna
    iN KiND Love Is
    Ours to Give
    THere is Someone
    To Receive
    Now When
    Give Becomes
    Receive Life
    Long Practice
    LoVE Real iN KiND☺️🏝

    1. So true, somewhere, there is someone. And we are blessed to see everyone everywhere, even if in brief glimpses only. Have a wonderful day and thank you for making your way to this site. I didn’t know it was showing up in a reader. 💐

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