The “something more” feeling has haunted us from the beginning of our existence.

In the Garden of Eden the Tempter spoke straight to Eve’s desire for abundance.

But in fact she already had it all, just not what had become the obsessive object of her desire. 

Eve literally had the perfect man, the chance at happy ever after.

She was better off than many of us could imagine, even with her divine creator at the center of her relationship with Adam. 

Before she had the chance to realize that boundaries can and should co-exist with abundance, she stepped off the ledge.

She chose to follow her heart to an unending pursuit of happiness with Groundhog Day persistence.

What blinds us to the beauty around us? 

Why couldn’t Eve just take the time to smell the roses in the midst of a garden that didn’t yet know thorns or heartache or pain? 

It’s peculiar that we’ve never evolved to live within the circumference of where blessings abound. 

Are you wondering and wandering?

It’s the human condition to wander and wonder.

We listen to voices that tell us there’s more around the corner and in fact not in our neighborhood at all. 

The temptation to taste more is an oxymoron.

Our palette is designed for satisfaction with the fare that God has pre-ordained for our unique biochemistry.

So, it doesn’t make sense that we insatiably crave what will set off a chain of unhealthy events to accelerate our spiritual and physical demise. 

Yet we live in a society with the epidemic of Type II diabetes and a predictable lab rat response to the forbidden fruit that hangs conveniently in our path.

Are you a glutton in disguise?

Not everyone looks the part of an unhealthy partaker of what they believe will satisfy their desire for more. 

Some of us aren’t biologically prone to gain weight or miss work because of drunken binges but we know on the inside that we’re just before the breaking point.

Will we leave everyone scratching their head wondering how our gluttony stayed hidden so well for all those years? 

We realize our final straw is the dawn of yet another morning where we dread the day ahead. 

The abundant life has become a myth and we’re stranded on our quest for more. Read More. hopes you find life more abundant & full of love.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

I want more

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

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