falling out

I don’t love my job anymore

“I don’t love my job anymore,” you think.

You’ve passed the newlywed ignorance is bliss stage and you’re now married to your work for the paycheck.

It could be that you’d once fallen in love with what now seems like a very bad T.V. series rerun with a broken remote.

Or like many, you’ve never tasted true love, you only fantasize about sunset evenings out on the lake, doing what you think might finally make you happy.

Bottom line–Like it or love it, most of us hate being alone, much less penniless and dependent.

Unless you have nerves of steel to endure homelessness or hunger, only to pursue your true passion in exchange for constant shame and schooling from well-meaning relatives – divorcing your job simply. Isn’t. An. Option.

So, what are your options?

When you’re already in the boat, hoping to stay afloat but missing the romance, still too far away from the shore of retirement…

10 Tips for getting through a job slump

#1 Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t know then what you know now. (Like…you could have been an Olympian if only your parents had pushed you more.)

#2 Foster platonic relationships with people in different industries. And if that’s too risque for your taste, simply network inter-departmentally. (Please be discreet.)

#3 Make a list of all the ways your life would be worse without your job. (Depending on your workplace culture, you could also hide small notes for your boss or….um no.)

#4 Stop watching “reality” T.V. about entrepreneurship and focus on nurturing your current job.

#5 Role play (aka. Pretend you’re the boss and that your employees have been very very bad OR that you’re now the subordinate and will only follow orders from now on. No, I mean…actively imagine yourself in a new, more exciting role.)

#6 Never be caught alone in the break room with another employee who has also fallen out of love with their job. (Even though it’s harmless, people will start to talk.)

#7 Remember. The grass on the other side is only greener for a season. (Much much greener…but jumping the fence is complicated too.)

#8 Start a side gig. (Even though you’re pretty certain it will never go anywhere.)

#9 Become better not bitter. (No one likes a nagging, frumpy employee. Industry certifications say, “I care about my appearance and what you think of me as an employee, even though I’m still counting the days to retirement.”)

#10 Fall in love with your job all over again. (Cherish the small things…like real creamer cups, gratuitous hot chocolate, privacy screens, and bosses who have a sense of humor.)

Lovelifelinks.com believes you can grow to love your job or find a new job you love.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

Love my job

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