know thyself quote

Quote by Socrates: “To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”

Know yourself to be known by others

I think we all have this heart shaped void in our souls. 

It’s an abyss. 

If you’re like me – you secretly desire to be fully you and to be fully known. 

There are a few reasons we keep hitting the proverbial wall of vulnerability, both personally and professionally.   

The more we desire to be known, the more we’re forced to discover our own core – to truly know ourselves.  

If you want someone to appreciate you for you, whether a lover, partner or boss – you must start the painful process of self-discovery

More often than not, what we project, is an image that we believe will safely land on the ego of others, our own ego included.

Judge yourself not, lest ye be judged by others

If you find yourself dissatisfied with how others perceive you, it’s time to look at how you truly perceive yourself. 

If you’re bitter about the superlatives others assign you, do some digging and recall the day you began to suppress the real you. 

Most of us have slowly convinced ourselves that we can’t afford to operate at face value.

Often, our parents are responsible for encouraging us to veil the sides of us that remind them of their shame.

One way to identify the mask worthy of being shed ASAP, is to recall those instances you were repetitively scolded as a child.

Reflect on how you’ve adjusted your behaviors to never face that childhood “punishment,” pain or shame again. 

Most of us tend to overcorrect our behavior and eternally compensate for what someone else led us to believe was a deficiency, whether true or not.

Conversely, it is dangerous to assume that just because you’ve reached a particular goal, or achieved a certain status or title, that you’re immune to a mask relapse. 

know thyself quote
Know Thyself Quote

Unveil your truest self

I’ve known once self-actualized directors, politicians, CEOs, entrepreneurs, stay-at-home moms/dads, philanthropists, pastors – who’ve picked up familiar masks when they’ve reached a new level of frightening unfamiliarity. 

Usually it takes a physical or psychological crisis before they finally decide to come clean and get real once and for all, again and again.

You do not have to live like a lost soul tossed about at sea.  Keep losing your mask.

Perhaps you’re simply complacent or outright disconnected from your core.

Revisit the last encounter that made your heart race and blood pressure rise. 

Determine if this was a positive or negative experience. 

If negative, it most likely resulted from perceived external conflict. 

There’s a good chance you processed the experience as someone else’s rejection of you. 

You are your biggest supporter

I challenge us to go even deeper – stop romanticizing others – and exercise complete self-love and self-acceptance. 

Never abandon you. 

That’s true love and it’s sure to never let you go. believes you can learn complete self-love and self-acceptance.  

Remember, you can feel love anywhere.  Anytime.  All the time.  

know thyself

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