victim mentality

Everyone has been a victim

At the core of the victim mentality is self-pity. 

What one of us hasn’t spent a considerable amount of time in self-pity? 

What one of us doesn’t have a very good reason to feel sorry for ourselves? 

There’s not a single person on this planet who doesn’t have a heartbreaking story to tell about how someone did them wrong, how they were abused, neglected, or abandoned. 

Of course, some of us have experienced more “defining” life moments than others, but no one is absent the scars that living brings. 

Self-pity fuels a victim mentality

Self-pity is the fuel that keeps us driving down memory lane with a broken air conditioner and windows rolled up. 

It’s a stifling existence to stubbornly ignore what’s broken and refuse to roll down the windows for fresh air. 

Those with a victim complex would rather die than get the immediate relief that’s available to them.

What they really need is to accept there are intermediary steps between their broken state and an ideal destination.

victim mindset

A friend who’d experienced an excruciating divorce due to his wife’s infidelity, explained how he had to hit rock bottom before he finally realized he wasn’t a victim. 

The feeling that his wife did this to him–left him for another man, caused him to lose a significant amount of time wallowing in self-pity. 

The victim mentality degrades our health

Not only was his mental health affected, but his physical health deteriorated to the point of a burst appendix. 

Most of us have experienced the phenomenon of psychosomatic illness. Our emotional suffering starts to express itself by wreaking havoc on our health. 

There is nothing more detrimental to our mental and physical health than holding onto a victim mentality

Victimization is no respecter of persons. 

As a result, anyone is susceptible to a victim mindset that breeds in the gunk of self-pity.

No one is immune to falling into this deep hole of what seems like no return. 

It’s likely that at least one point in your life, you’ve spent a good portion of time pointing your finger at someone else as the source of all your problems. 

Hopefully, you’ve grown to understand that it doesn’t matter who is righteous and who is not. 

Living life as a victim is like living at the bottom of the food chain. 

If you choose to remain in victim status, the most that will come of your life is graduating a level or two in the food chain to victimize someone else. 

You’ll continue feeling sorry for yourself. 

Once you realize the person who hurt you will never pay you back for how they’ve hurt you, you’ll consciously or sub-consciously turn around and hurt someone else. 

A victim complex leads to victimizing others

The sad reality is that you’ll still feel like the victim. 

Yet you will have created another victim. 

This happens frequently in relationships. We convince ourselves that our partner cheated because they are simply a bad person. 

We’re the “good guy,” we think.

They are the villain and we are the victim. 

There’s a good chance we’ll move on to another relationship where we’ll punish our new partner by controlling them, being suspicious, and second guessing their every move

Yet what often happens at this juncture, is that the original “victim” ends up cheating on their new partner. 

Their revenge is a result of a victim mentality gone wild. 

#victim #relationships #love #power #selfactualization #selfimprovement #marriage #selfpity #selfhelp believes you can grow beyond the victim mindset and experience love free of blame, guilt and shame.

Remember, you can feel love. Anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

victim complex

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