What is perception?

Perception is how we read the story around us. 

It’s the narrative we tell about the details of our life. 

Perception is the magic fairy dust that makes us smile amidst grueling circumstances. 

But perception can also take a dark turn. 

It can lord its power over us and send us to our knees begging for mercy before we even understand why. 

It’s a subtle yet powerful force that can build or destroy kingdoms.

Our childhood background affects our perception

I’m prone to invite hardship into my life because I constantly seek to learn more.

I like to earn badges.

I was raised to believe, in the context of religion, that if you’re in pain you must be doing something right. 

I’m fascinated by how each of our childhood backgrounds influence our perception of the world around us. 


We’ve all seen the old and beautiful lady artfully woven into one picture to test our perception. 

Do we perceive beauty or are we immediately drawn to the less desirable aspects of the world around us?

I feel really blessed for my perception to have been battered and torn by fierce winds of Hollywood proportions. 

Perceptions change with time

I’m keenly aware that my perception is malleable. It’s both exhilarating and terrifying to see the progression of how I perceive the world around me as time passes.

Now, I strive to perceive every circumstance as shrouded in light. 

I get the sense that the only way we can live a happy life is to begin perceiving every experience as good. 

We must interpret our sorrow as a pathway to enlightenment, see our enemies as teachers, and use our shame as a catapult to ecstasy.

Once, someone came to me with a piece of news that felt like an instant dagger to my heart. 

But it felt so good. 

In that exact moment this individual put me out of my misery and twisted the knife, I felt free.  

As I sputtered my last few breaths, I was awakened into a new awareness.

I finally perceived my circumstances in a completely new light. 

My power was not in what I’d previously viewed as something uncontrollable that was happening TO ME.

I reclaimed my power by understanding I could not control people and how they treated me. 

Only then, was my perception immediately healed.

Mental illness impacts perception

Dealing with certain types of mental illness gives us a keen understanding of how perception rules our world.

Clouds can quickly move across our brain.

We’re either instantly ready to face the world or suddenly hiding in the shadows. 

Others can experience the dynamic of perception’s power by observing those who suffer mental illness, riding the waves of untamed senses. 

Facing fears changes our view

But we can also invite this knowledge into our lives proactively by facing our biggest fears.

There is nothing more powerful than walking straight into the fire of those things we fear most.

Facing personal fears can reset our perception of life.

We may fear God’s retribution, relational abandonment, embarrassing failure, or blatant rejection.

I’ve personally faced many of my fears.

There are always limitless opportunities to prime our senses by testing our perceptions.

What’s the fear you need to face? 

What’s the perception you’re literally dying to resurrect?

All it takes is ONE step to cross the threshold and finally look back with a different perspective.

Only you know what that step is.

LoveLifeLinks.com hopes you’ll experience a life changing adjustment to your perception.

Remember, you can feel love. Anywhere. Anytime. All the time.


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