will i ever love again?

“Will I ever Love again?” you ask yourself. When we lose someone we love deeply, beyond words, the question of whether we can love again seems preposterous and adulterous.

How can our hearts grow big enough to contain more love than what we’d grown to believe was our final destination?

The answer is, trust yourself along the way to finding your answer.

To me, it’s more romantic to swear the rest of our lives to an undying and exclusive love, even in the circumstance of loss to death.

Yet, there’s something we know inside, even if we’re not yet ready to admit–that our hearts are designed to be filled, to be connected to a physical lifeform who can communicate with us alongside our need for growth as long as we live.

In appreciation of a friend and mentor who reminded me that in the most unexpected of ways, life will gift us with multiple soulmates who journey with us purposefully through life — here’s what I’m learning.

With time and an intentional effort toward openness, you too can love again.

5 Observations on Receiving Love Again

Open your heart, when you’re ready to love again

This sounds at the extreme of cliché advice. But it’s been evidenced and testified by many, that closing our hearts to love will stifle introductions to opportunity.

Many believe their hearts are open, but they’re only sitting there on the sidelines waiting for someone else to make the first move. By first move, we don’t mean a calculated advance to get something you want. We mean, sharing your joy or pain. Taking the first step to reveal your circumstance.

Yes, some, advise us to hide, to not scare people away, to refrain from making others uncomfortable. But, if you show who you are to someone and they run away, it just means you’re exercising your ability to be vulnerable. They were not a connection or a potential source of mutual endearment, but you learned something and you’re strengthening your resolve to receive.

Never feel obliged to let go of your past, in hopes for the future

Mutuality, in our estimation, never requires that you let go of your past. True love and sustaining connection desires to know you with no filters. Hiding is a short-term solution for never getting hurt. Does this mean you divulge every detail of your past? No, not necessarily. But it means you’re committed to being known and to knowing. It means you respect the past as sacred, both for yourself and the other.

Be honest with yourself about where you have room to grow

True love and loving again requires that you pay creed to your multi-dimensional nature. You are not who you were when you found or lost love. You are a new person with each door that loving again opens. This is the miracle of love — to afford us an opportunity for re-birth. Love waters new buds of growth, as a vibrant reminder that life is always at the center, no matter its shape or form or length of budding. Every physical embodiment of eternal love is evidence that it’s possible to love again, and that it’s possible to grow even more with someone by your side.

Admit and articulate clearly your desire for a living and loving connection

Not only must we be honest with ourselves that love is at the center of our growth, but it is upon us to articulate our desires clearly, either written or out-loud, to give our intentions life.

Who do you want and how do you want them to be? What are you ready to learn and where have you been left wanting in the past? What parts of your soul do you wish to be known?

If we are honest with ourselves, there is always a need left unmet, no matter how fulfilling love’s encounter had been.

What do you want to feel? How do you imagine this love to unfold? What is your vision for the future and living in love?

Accept your love experiences as an ever-evolving story of who you’re becoming

Finding love is not the ending, it’s the beginning and your love story will evolve for as long as you’re alive. One experience does not diminish the other. No experience is final, because love never dies, due to its ever-transforming power. You are not a static character. You are a living, breathing human who is most alive when in synchronicity with love’s flow, regardless of its source.

LoveLifeLinks.com believes love is eternal abounding.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

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