So, you’re here wondering how to tell if a guy likes you. There a few complications with trying to figure out if someone likes you. We’ll outline those below. Hopefully our insights will move you forward with new questions and conclusions that build your confidence and quiet your mind.

5 Reasons it’s a waste of time to obsess over whether someone likes you:

Everyone shows their feelings of attraction in different ways

You can lose sleep night after night. You can have conversation after conversation with your friends and family about your secret crush. You can test the waters and put out the bait.

But, when it comes down to it–we often guess wrong when it comes to figuring out if someone likes us. Here’s why.

What do you do when you like someone? That’s right. You do you. Therefore, you’ll be looking for those same actions from someone else, in order for you to conclude that they do indeed like you.

However, not everyone expresses their likes in the same way. You may seek every opportunity to be around another person who you fancy. But, someone else may hide because they’re too shy to approach you.

If you automatically assume someone does or does not like you, you could very well be wrong. Therefore, your obsession could better be spent trying to figure out what your love interest likes.

Instead of wondering whether they like you, spend time figuring out what they like–put yourself out there. Go out on a limb, and let them know you have every intention of winning their attention. Are we saying to behave desperately? No, but we are urging you to act decisively with confidence.

If your authenticity is not well received, maybe your affections are misplaced.

It doesn’t matter if someone likes you, if you don’t reveal your authentic self

You could spend all the time in the world putting yourself out there, making sure someone knows you like them.

But, are you really showing your true self?

Are you sure that you want to be liked for the person you are today?

Maybe you’re emphasizing your sexual nature in hopes of capturing another person’s interest. But, perhaps you’d really like to be known as a thoughtful person whose depth goes way beyond the physical (Not implying that you can’t be both).

Often, we subconsciously or consciously choose to like things we really don’t like, just so someone else will like us.

Do you really enjoy spicy food or do you just think you’ll be better aligned with the person you like, if you go for the extra pepper like they did.

Yes, sometimes it isn’t a conscious decision to be less than our authentic selves. However, once we put a persona out there, whether intentional or not, we should be careful–someone might just start to like us, not for who we are, but for who we’re not.

how to tell if he likes me

If you don’t like yourself, it won’t really matter when someone else does

This sounds like it jumped right off the page of a self-help book. But it’s true, someone can genuinely like you, take the time to show you–but you’ll still find yourself wondering if he really likes you. Because deep down, you don’t like you.

Even if you see all the signs in the world that a guy or girl likes you.

Even when someone tells you to your face that they like you.

Despite someone going out of their way to open the door for you and to you–your inner self-disgust will slam the door in their face every single time.

So, take the time to figure out why you like you. Why do you want to be liked? Assume you’re seeking a relationship with yourself. Would you date you? Would you want to approach someone like you?

You don’t have a plan should you discover whether someone does/does not like you

Whether you receive a conclusive answer as to whether someone likes you or not–what’s the next step?

So what if someone likes you?

Big deal if they think you’re cool and want to go on a date with you.

If you are unsure of your intentions, it’s a waste to spend all your time wondering how to tell if a guy or a girl likes you.

Make a plan.

Will you ask them to dinner? Are you going to ask for their number? Do you think they’re marriage material? Sometimes, all it takes is intentionality to get the ball rolling.

Trying to figure out whether someone likes you is a mindless exercise in futility unless you just enjoy the mystery.

Speaking of mystery, this brings us to our last point.

Mystery is 99.9% of the fun

Sometimes, knowing for sure that someone likes us, undermines our instinct of discovery. Seeking, hoping, and wondering can be more fun than surety.

Sometimes we’re less motivated to find creative ways to communicate our desire for someone when we’re no longer trying to solve a mystery.

So, take it easy. Don’t try to find all the answers in one day. Enjoy the dance. Have fun as you turn each page, wondering what comes next in the love story of your life.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time. knows someone likes you.

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