Life can be extremely difficult at times.
Not to mention, our LOVE life!
As a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend–I understand how easy it is to get lost in the mix of life’s messy details.
We often work long hours at a less than ideal job all because of love.
Or we stop looking after our own well-being to take care of those we love.
Yet, ironically, despite all the love we give, we still end up feeling unloved, loveless, and sometimes downright ugly.
We especially feel lonely and isolated in a world where everyone is so obsessed with just trying to survive.
Forget about the pursuit of true love!
The world is deeply aching for love.
I pondered this love deficit and considered how I might help balance the books.
Should I get involved in political debates? Should I send out petitions?
Maybe I could start a nonprofit.
But when I contemplated all the ways I could help, it seemed every possibility would force me to take a side, plant my flag in the ground and join a divisive cause.
In my mind, this path was not meant for me.
Love is Life. Life is Love.
So instead, I decided to focus on sharing love. After all, what is life without love?
As a result, I created lovelifelinks.com, a place where anyone can come to feel love anywhere, anytime, all the time.
You are not alone. I’m with you. I see you.
I feel you. You are accepted.
Have you ever felt like no one cared?
Once upon a time, I was at my lowest point. I felt like no one cared.
“No one will ever understand me,” I thought.
Every night and day I prayed for God to show me love.
Then one day, God answered my prayer.
I was reminded in a big way that God loves me.
Since that day, I’ll never be the same again.
Through that experience of love, I learned that there is a love connection to everything in life.
Love is the key to awakening and optimizing every area of our life: career, finances, parenting, mental health, relationships, business, and spirituality.
Once you experience unconditional love that sees you for who you are and accepts the deepest parts of your being, you’ll always feel love.
Even if you lose the person or moment that awakened eternal love for you, you’ll never feel empty and alone again.
This is why I want to share that kind of love with you.
Deep down in your soul, you know this type of indestructible love exists.
Intuitively, you long for this special love to rescue you from your pain and convince you everything will be o.k.
And I want to remind you, everything WILL be o.k.!
You are loved.