when the student is ready the teacher will appear

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear”

Distraction or detour?

It’s important to be intentional about the time we dedicate to our individual growth. 

However, when we’re well on our journey of self-actualization, a dart of distraction is often thrown precisely our way.

It stops us right in our tracks. We temporarily lose all sense of time.   

Sometimes distractions come in the form of a teacher. This teacher appears because the universe recognizes we are ready to move on to our next lesson.

We question whether this dart of distraction is a magical part of our actualization journey.

We risk trading our royalty for a role as court jester—entertaining others at the cost of losing our own crown. 

Is this teacher a worthy distraction or an unnecessary detour?

We attract our teacher, but our teacher chooses us

Mostly, we don’t get to choose our teacher. Our teacher chooses us.

So whether we view them as a distraction or detour, we’re destined to learn.

When we start our journey of self-actualization, positive things begin to happen. 

Our vibe suddenly changes, and we begin to attract similar vibes into our life. 

You might be shocked by the speed at which you attract others into your life. Others quickly take note of our progress toward greater self-awareness. 

This is good, right?  What we’re looking for is fulfilling relationships, after all. 

Let’s look closer.

Distractions are often necessary when it comes to taking a difficult journey. Those journeys may be wrought with obstacles we usually tend to avoid. 

Teachers are our reflection

There’s a spiritual concept that “when the student is ready the teacher will appear.”  Thus, it’s very possible that as soon as we open ourselves to self-reflection, someone special will appear in our life as a mirror of ourselves. 

Remember that true teachers won’t distract us from our original intent of self-actualization.  Teachers appear for a specific purpose in time. 

Teachers point us toward our destiny. Yet, teachers have the same vulnerabilities as students. It’s essential we respect their divine investment in our lives.

We must willingly and graciously say friendly goodbyes on the day of graduation. 

If we’re to reach our full potential, we must set our eyes at the height of our own self-actualization. Don’t get distracted by the idolization of a teacher who appears but for a select time. 

This doesn’t look like using and abusing the spiritual goodwill of someone in tune to our needs.

Instead, we should recognize some relationships as temporary intervention. Teachers should not be a permanent detour or distraction from our ultimate purpose. 

Distractions can serve a grander purpose

So yes, it’s highly likely that once you aim toward your fullest potential, distractions will come out of the woodwork. They may make us forget where we’re headed. 

But it’s also true, that some of these “distractions” are a necessary part of our growth and maturation. 

While we risk the chance of mistaking our teacher as the cap on our potential, there’s so much to be gained from a divine appointment.

It’s a gift when someone takes a genuine interest in our success and well-being. 

LoveLifeLinks.com believes a teacher will appear when you ready yourself to learn beyond your current reality.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

when the student is ready the teacher appears

#relationships #selfactualization #selfdiscovery #love #goals #teacher

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