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Prayer for your next financial breakthrough

How my prayers have changed over time

I’m a firm believer that a higher power knows what we want, more than we know what we want for ourselves.

Therefore, our best effort prayers are translated for us into our own best interest.

My prayers changed over time, in that they got more specific.

My heart gradually changed; in that I grew more “ready” to receive the answer.

For example, instead of praying for a job, at some point along the journey, my prayer changed to request a job that would allow me to stay with my oldest daughter when she was born.

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When I came across the possibility of working at the financial institution making a 6-figure income, I prayed, “God, please help me to do what it takes to get this job.”

This was a very different prayer for me. I’d finally decided to stop straddling the fence of self-doubt and ambition.


Why I still Pray

I still pray because I want to excel beyond where I am today. Prayer has always been an integral part of my life and I can’t imagine tackling any goal without talking to my Higher Power.

As I mentioned earlier, prayer has many benefits.

It centers you. It empties you. It fills you up. It guides you. It encourages you.

The list could go on.

I don’t see prayer as complementary. I see prayer as foundational.

Before any meeting at work, I pray, “God, give me the words to say.”

At the juncture of any difficult situation with co-workers, I pray, “God, please help me to know how to handle this situation.”

As I arrive to work each day, I pray, “God, please give me a festive spirit.”

Many of my prayers are centered on me, but the prayers still have an effect of making me less self-centered. This is because prayers are a way of opening our heart and mind to listen, to seeing ourselves as a part of a spiritual ecosystem.

I still pray because I want to reach my full potential and I believe there’s so much for me to learn from others, to glean from God’s spirit who reveals wisdom to us when we ask.

How YOU can use prayer to reach your financial goals

I outlined the timeline of my career progression through the lens of prayer first, because I personally see prayer as a key activator for all the other strategies I’ve mentioned: Surrender, Seek, Plan and Learn.

This is not to say that prayer is an excuse for being lazy.

The Bible says, “Faith without works, is dead.”

Prayer is an act of faith, but we must work toward our answers, be willing to get up and walk through an open door and run from bad situations when we see writing on the wall.

Prayer is an opportunity for you to be honest with you and God about your financial goals.

Admit where you want to be, before God, so that you can begin to shape the vision for your financial future.

For a long time, my prayers were modest. God knew me more than I knew myself.

I started out wanting a job, and then progressed to wanting a career position.

Ultimately, beginning my career as an entrepreneur who developed a family business, gave me diverse work experience I would have never gotten had I gone directly into Corporate America.

God gave me more than I could have imagined, in that I was able to stay home with my children during their younger years and immediately enter the job market making an instant 6-figure income once I was done having children.

My prayers have changed according to the size of my dreams.

Now, I want to learn how to make a 7-figure income as a writer.

Prayer will continue to be my foundational strategy and I hope you’ll consider its power too, for reaching your financial breakthrough.

Whatever your “next level” is, prayer can be your closest companion and confidante. Prayer is your catalyst and coach.

Full primer available available NOW, on Kindle! Purchase $7.99 now! believes you can reach your next financial breakthrough with prayer.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere.  Anytime.  All the time.

prayer for financial breakthrough

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This article is a part of my Practical Primers for Grown Adulting series

Making Money isn’t a Sin

Primer #1-Article 1: Where you are today, is NOT where you’ll be tomorrow

Primer #1-Article 2: Get a job, get rich, retire early, and pray

Primer #1-Article 3: Taking risks puts prayer into action

Primer #1-Article 4: Invest now. Reap later. Cry now. Rejoice later.

Primer #1-Article 5: Your Trailer Trash My Treasure: Throwing money into a rat hole

Primer #1-Article 6: Social welfare or God’s provision: humility is an antidote for disbelief

Primer #1-Article 7: Climbing Mountains Blind to Reach Pinnacles of Financial Success

Primer #1-Article 8: The right job for the right person at the right time

I will post an excerpt from “Making Money Isn’t a Sin” every weekday for the next month.

Full primer available available NOW, on Kindle! Purchase $7.99 now!

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