What is true love?
Do you ever wonder how true love feels? You’re not alone.
Many of us experience some version of love, but get curious when other people talk about “true love.”
Therefore, we become unsatisfied with our love life because we suspect there is something more to love.
In this article, we’ll attempt to explain “true love” as a concept and then outline 5 ways you can discover true love.
Love is defined in many ways. Consequently, “true love” expresses itself in a variety of forms.
Each of us experiences “true love” in a way unique only to us–but we intuitively know THIS experience of love is “true love.”
We believe true love is safe, pure, transcendent, and fulfilling. ~LoveLifeLinks.com
True love feels like we’ve found the missing puzzle piece. However, individuals are made up of many puzzle pieces. Each puzzle piece has a distinctive color and blend.
Therefore, lovelifelinks.com believes you can experience “true love” more than once in a lifetime.
We realize this idea does not sit right with our ego when we think about someone we love also loving someone else in the future.
But what happens when you lose your true love prematurely to death or involuntary separation?
Does this mean you’ll never find true love again?
Surely not.
Each “true love” you experience will purify your soul in a new way. When you wonder how true love feels, remember it is not abusive or coercive. True love accepts you, challenges you, and encourages you to be the best version of you.
True love has many shades
Questioning whether you’re married to your “true love,” is an exercise in futility.
Often we resent our long-term relationships or never commit to begin with, because we don’t want to miss out on true love. Instead we should cherish our committed relationships for being a haven of love by choice.
But also remember you are a dynamic human being whose love knows no bounds.
Your inner sanctuary contains the truest love and only those who dare to enter will qualify as a “true love.”

So, how can you discover true love?
Here are 5 ways we believe you can discover a love that is authentic and real:
1. Love yourself first
O.k., we realize this one is a bit of a cliché, but it’s true.
When you start loving yourself, the universe notices that you’re ready for true love.
True love in its purest form is self-love.
Once we start looking inside at our inner light, we begin to reflect that light to others around us. In turn, they feel free to open up. True love is a result of two souls mutually revealing their inner in unison.
We won’t spend too much time on this point, because we’ve already written an article on how to love yourself.
But in short, you’ll know you’re loving yourself when you lose track of time in your presence alone. Maybe you’re listening to a favorite song, immersed in your hobby, or practicing self-care.
When your mind isn’t pre-occupied with stress and worry about what others think of you, you’re finally in the zone of self-love.
When you’re happy with who you are, and quite oblivious to the world around you, you’re finally open to true love.
Freedom – This is how true love feels.
2. Open your heart to many shades of love
This is different than opening your heart to true love.
Often we have pre-conceived ideas about how true love looks.
Therefore, we close our mind to the possibilities that await us.
Speak to anyone who claims to have experienced true love. They’ll most likely tell you it came out of nowhere, in the most unexpected of forms.
Do you think your true love will have blonde hair and blue eyes? Do you swear up and down your true love will never have a few missing teeth? Are you closed off to the idea of true love that exists outside of physical appearance or having certain things in common?
True love comes in many shades and sometimes we shut our heart off to its possibilities because we cloud our mind with shallow expectations.
3. Don’t chase love, let love find you
It’s so easy to see this from the outside looking in, but so difficult to put into practice.
We’ve all had the desperate friend who spends their time bemoaning lost love. They tirelessly search for love and see practically anyone as a possible soulmate.
Before we laugh, let’s admit that we all have the same inclination to chase love, whether it’s outwardly expressed or eating us from the inside out.
So, how do we stop chasing love? This has a lot to do with point one.
When you’re so immersed with your own passion, you’ll have little time to lookup. Someone will need to work pretty hard to distract you from your life’s goal.
You are sure of what you want, and you’re determined to go for it, true love along for the ride or not.
This is the way we stop chasing true love. If you truly love yourself, you’ll naturally drop the chase for true love.
4. Have faith that true love exists
If you haven’t made it through the article so far without rolling your eyes, there’s a good chance you don’t believe in true love. We get it. Had we not experienced true love among us, there’s a chance we’d have bitterly X’d out of this article in the introduction.
True love comes as a result of a gut deep prayer from someone who dares to believe true love exists. However, faith doesn’t make it easier to wait patiently. Believing in true love doesn’t eliminate our human tendency to quickly drop our passion to passionately chase someone else.
In fact, faith in true love can seem ridiculous if all of our past experiences of love have only disappointed us.
But this much is true, you can love yourself, open your heart to love, and wait patiently–but if you don’t choose to believe in something you’ve never seen–your chances for finding true love are slim.
Wake up every day and say, “I believe in true love.” Give your heart time to catch up with your mind.
Wait and see what happens!
5. Love others for who they are
This goes without saying. If you’re unable to love someone for who they are, how can you expect someone to love you for who you are? True love is mutual and accepts another person with true abandon.
Loving someone for who they are doesn’t mean accepting abuse or failing to set boundaries. It simply means being honest about your feelings for someone else.
If you’re reading this article because you’re not sure whether you’ve found true love, you probably have not found true love.
True love will leave no question in your mind about its authenticity.
Does uncertainty mean you should abandon your long-term relationship because you’re not sure whether your partner is your true love?
It simply means you should take some time to remember how at one time they completed you. What mystery about yourself did they help to solve, sometime in your past?
Don’t abandon love for a concept of “true love” that seems elusive.
You can be sure, that no matter where you are, true love will find YOU.
We hope our perspective helps to open your heart for a life-transforming experience of true love. Of course, everyone has different opinions on this subject. Only you can speak to the truth that resides deep within your soul. Our view is only meant to spark your soul again in the interest of true love. Never give up on love.
LoveLifeLinks.com believes true love will find you.
Remember, you can feel love anywhere, anytime, all the time.

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