As we’ve mentioned before, poetry is a therapeutic way to express our sadness. In the following paragraphs, we’ll use this SAD Acrostic poem to describe several aspects of the grieving process when we lose a loved one to death.
Whether you’ve lost a loved one through death, or you’re experiencing some other form of permanent separation, the grief we feel can overwhelm us so much that our emotions are in a state of shock.
In stark contrast to the simple format of an acrostic, mourning a loved one is complex.
We want to believe everything will be o.k. because that’s the only way to continue living–by accepting our loss and moving forward with the memories of our loved one.
But losing a loved one is far from simple and we don’t feel o.k.
Sad Acrostic Poem
Sullen grey
Angels surround
Distance profound
Sullen grey
Losing a loved one makes everything sullen grey. Perhaps our grief isn’t an overwhelming inability to move through the day-but it’s a layer of grey that hangs over everything we do. It’s the reminder that life is but a vapor. We assess what our relationship meant against the backdrop of having been left behind.
Angels surround
But despite our sadness, there’s an assurance that the love we experienced is still alive. It’s as if our memories are the spirit that exists outside of our loved one’s physical form. Our love summons angels to surround us when we need them most.
Distance Profound
But perhaps you’ve lost a loved one with whom you never had the chance to make many memories. The distance you feel is magnified. You wonder what memories you might have made, if things had been different. It’s possible you regret the way your past unfolded. The distance you feel can be profound.
Your pain is the reminder to hold your remaining loved ones tight.
Your sadness is the emotion with which you find the strength to talk to your lost loved one, and invite them to always stay near.
We hope this acrostic gives you some comfort and the insight to move forward in your life’s journey of love.
LoveLifeLinks.com hopes you’ll remember love never dies.
Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.