Wake to live, Sleep to Cry | Lament Poem background:
A lament poem helps us express paralyzing grief. At times, it’s difficult to find the words to say.
Poets are blessed and cursed by their ability to feel and express emotions.
They often carry the poetic weight of the world on their shoulders by experiencing a condensed version of pain.
This is helpful when it comes to those who lack the ability of expression that gives them an outlet for their grief.
Death can often be a numbing experience where we get stuck in the sludge of confusing thoughts about our loved one after they are gone.
We ask ourselves the question,
“How should I feel?” “Why did this happen?” “Did I do enough to keep my loved one alive or comfort them while they were here?”
The reality is, no one person grieves the same way.
We each experience grief differently. Whether you lose the love of your life, a parent, your child, or a distant relative–each loss will have a different impact on our heart and mind.
Don’t be afraid to write your own lament poem and share it with those you love. We welcome you to share your poetic expression of grief in the comment section below.
You may just help others to embrace the grieving process by invoking a deep soul cry.
Wake to live
Soul stuck
Not struck
I’m alive
For days
Of the
His soul
In transit
I cannot say
But letting go
As there is no
We have
But to lie
And lie
Wake to live
Sleep to cry
Steals ancient fate
Never allowed
We had
That love
Might exist
Above the flight
LoveLifeLinks.com hopes you’ll find comfort in the fact that you are not alone. The spiritual universe poetically grieves with you.
Remember, you can feel love. Anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

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