birthday poem for lover
By Marina Utrabo

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Birthday poem for lover

Another year to live
Testament to lessons learned
Now all we’ve left to give
Scars from life’s
Sweet ebb and flow
Washed up against the rocks
Jagged reminder
Absence of pain
Means flow of blood
Has stopped
Keep on swimming upward
Sometimes against the stream
And never lose your spirit
Keep reflecting love’s lost gleam.

Poem Background

This birthday poem was written during a particularly difficult year where the author’s lover was experiencing a great deal of physical and emotional pain. In essence, the poem reminds us that as long as we are feeling pain, we are alive. Blood coursing through our veins is evidence that hope remains. We still have the opportunity to reflect love and celebrate our birthday with others. The dawning of a new year of life is our chance to share lessons learned with our loved ones. believes another year is an opportunity for you to share more love.

Remember, you can feel love anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

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