Silence is Deafening Meaning

Living life is much like writing while it’s quiet. The silence is deafening even when our thoughts scream.

We shuffle through thoughts in our mind waiting for a hook, something inspiring enough to make us pick up the pen and write. 

What makes you get up every day? 

What makes your life worth living? 

What gets you excited? 

Many of us have given up on putting our pen to paper, meaning we stopped living life with purpose.

We have trouble quieting our mind down enough to grab hold of a worthy idea. 

The silence is deafening when we’re left alone with our thoughts.

Instead of catching one of our thoughts in a net and letting it quietly sustain us, our thinking runs wild, and at best, serves as a temporary distraction. 

silence is deafening meaning
Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR from Pexels

I have a good friend who regularly reminds me how our ability to be silent directly correlates to how satisfied we feel with life

Do you think silence is deafening?

Silence is not lack of noise.

But by silence, I don’t think he means lack of noise.  Silence doesn’t have to be deafening.

While the essence of silence is a difficult concept for me to grasp, once in a while I gain glimpses of true silence.

Silence happens even when listening, and especially when listening to my most recent playlist of SYML songs

During the pandemic, for many silence has become elusive, especially for those with housemates or families, but even for those who live alone. 

Even when living alone in a quiet environment, our minds might still scream.

A car ride often clears our mind.

While I do not miss my commute during the days of COVID, I do miss the silence it afforded me. 

By silence, I don’t mean that I drove to work with no music. 

I still talked to myself and God out loud on my drive. 

But, commuting was my only time to enjoy silence.

My time in the car provided an unintentional benefit of being alone with no pressure to be socially aware, emotionally on point, or cleverly diplomatic. 

This is silence.

Silence is spiritual and has motion. 

It needs no permission.

Silence provides pure and unplanned moments in time where our mind isn’t held accountable for producing coherent thoughts.

silence is deafening
Silence is Deafening Meaning

Some seek silence in a vice or vibe

For some, silence means a few more drinks or ethereal songs on loop. 

Sometimes, we drink to quiet a part of ourselves that thinks too loud, reasons too long, believes in disappointment, and runs from problems. 

Other times, we listen to music so we can shut out the deafening silence. We put a literal sound barrier between ourselves and others who know no boundaries. 

We combat deafening silence with noise that calms our mind.

Music artfully drowns out the noise of our circumstances. 

Music elevates us to a plane where only the quiet ambiance of hopeful tomorrows exists.  

What vibe or vice has become your new silence? 

Are you tired of the deafening noise? 

Silence improves mental health

Silence means better mental health. 

I hope we can all find healthy ways to enjoy silence once again.  

Even if you’re not a writer, finding your hook is still essential.

If you want to enjoy silence regardless of your surroundings, discover the wellspring of quiet expression unique to you.

Here is a link to SYML: hopes you’ll calm your mind to find silence in the quiet, and even the noise.

Remember, you can feel love. Anywhere. Anytime. All the time.

#selfhelp #pandemic #WFH #commuting #career #parenting #mentalhealth #growthmindset #silence is deafening

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